Commercial Surety Bonds
License and permit bonds (also referred to as a commercial surety bond) are guarantees that protect the public and are required throughout the country based on your industry and location. If you break the rules, claims can be filed which you’re responsible to pay. License and permit bonds are required by various municipalities. These bonds are most commonly required of contractors doing work for a city, community or state. We write this form of bond in conjunction with a contractor's liability insurance policy.
Bond Requirements Vary
In order to obtain a license & permit bond, first find out specifically which type of bond you need. The municipality that is requiring the bond should be able to provide you with the specific name of the bond. Then let us know. We keep a database of the most common bond forms for Dayton, Ohio and the greater area. We issue the bond in our office then you pick it up, sign it, and deliver it to the municipality in which you are doing work.
Some license & permit bonds are good for one year from the date of issue and some bonds expire on December 31st. It depends on the bond rules of the municipality.
Have questions? Contact our office today at 937-388-8046!